Cryptographic Salt Is Healthy

Dave On Cyber
Sep 21, 2023


Overeating salt leads to frequent visits to the restroom, dizziness or fluctuating blood pressure. However, salt is healthy in the world of cryptography.

Sketch by — Dave On Cyber

It’s easy for attackers to crack your passwords even with hash values. Consider salt as a random number that blends your password to a one-way cryptography hash function like SHA256. It’s crucial not to reuse the same salt to avoid the same bland recipe.

Use a variety of salts for every password. Long salt (long numbers) is nutritious for security; you may regret using short salt, and it may also not taste great.

I recommend watching below to understand crypto salt in detail.



Dave On Cyber

I share my CISSP knowledge, industry insight and learning approach through articles, digital sketches and short films.